Health & Wellness
Health Promotion and Wellness Programs
Helpful Family Resources on Issues Impacting Students
Social Media/Internet Safety/Sextortion
How Using Social Media Affects Teens
Brain Behavior & The Media - Psychology Today
Is Your Explicit Content Out There? Missing
Start the Conversation - Teens & Screens - Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
Start the Conversation - Cyberbullying - Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
Preventing Sextortion in Youth - Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
This is Sextortion - Infographic - Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
Screen Time Guide for Parents - Cyberwise
Resource Guide - Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
Online Safety Presentation with Solon Police Department - April 2023
Eating Disorders
National Institutes of Health - Information on Eating Disorders
Helpline and Support for Eating Disorders
Depression/Suicide Prevention
Tips for Teens - Save a Friend Suicide Prevention
Preventing Youth Suicide Tips for Parents and Educators
Parent's Guide to the Grieving Child
Tip Sheet for Parents on e-Cigarettes from the Surgeon General
High Nicotine Vaping Devices Can Hide in Plain Sight
Quick Facts on Vaping for Parents and Teens
Vaping 101 - Vaping Prevention Resources
Vaping Facts and Misconceptions Infographic
Click on the links below to view recent programs hosted by Solon's Organized Parent Education Network on topics related to student health and wellness:
Finding Screen Time Balance: Helping Your Child Understand and Manage Their Time in the Digital World with Dr. Lucerne Wisniewski, PhD, FAED, Chief Clinical Officer, Center for Center for Evidence Based Treatment Ohio/Faculty, Case Western Reserve University
Anxiety, with Solon School Psychologists Val Smith and Gina Williams
Trauma in Children, Tweens & Teens with Emily Gallagher, LISW-S
Executive Functioning with Myshl Beyer, MOT, OTR/L, COG-FUN Specialist, Center for Life Skills
The Solon City Schools offers a range of health promotion and wellness programs and services that promote and support student and staff physical and emotional health and well-being.
The following videos provide information for students, families and staff regarding the proper wearing and care of face masks, handwashing and social distancing. These are important protections to help prevent the spread of all communicable diseases, but especially COVID-19.
Proper Protocols for Wearing and Caring for Face Masks (Video):
Proper Hand Washing Technique (Video):
Social Distancing (Video):