The Solon City Schools One2One program will provide students with Chromebooks to use at school and home.
Why One2One?
More engaged learners
Research has shown that students involved in One2One programs are more engaged in learning activities and have fewer disciplinary problems.
Better technology skills
Students in the laptop programs demonstrate significantly better technology skills.
Cost efficiency
One2One programs provide opportunities to reduce costs for textbooks, paper, assessments, and other technology expenses.
Increased quality and quantity in writing
Students write more and better when using laptops rather than pen and paper.
Greater student collaboration
Students demonstrate improved interpersonal skills and teamwork when collaborating with laptops.
Better monitoring of student progress
Teachers and students can monitor learning in more varied ways through One2One technology.
The Potential
- Increased achievement and student engagement
- Expanded learning and communication beyond the classroom
- Increased opportunity for authentic learning
- Better preparation for tomorrow’s workplace
- Students become more efficient producers and publishers
Some content adapted with permission from Sycamore City Schools.