Office of the Treasurer
Fiscal Accountability ...
The Solon City Schools are fiscally responsible to the community while providing superior educational and extra-curricular programming for students.
The Ohio Auditor has awarded Solon Treasurer Tim Pickana and the Solon Schools with the Auditor of State Award for excellent financial record-keeping as well as a clean audit report.
Through the Coalition for Fiscal Fairness in Ohio, Solon administrators provided leadership statewide in the fight to retain Tangible Personal Property tax reimbursement. Despite intense lobbying, including grassroots communication from our community, the TPP phase-out is continuing. The district loses approximately $750,000 per year in TPP reimbursement funding from the state.
The district continues to engage the Solon and Glenwillow communities as necessary through multi-faceted grassroots advocacy campaigns aimed at educating state lawmakers about how TPP reimbursement loss and other important school funding issues impact the Solon Schools and the educational program for students.
The district reopened the strategic planning process to address stabilizing enrollment. With a consolidation and redistricting plan for the district’s elementary school buildings fully in place, Solon now has three K-4 schools: Lewis, Parkside and Roxbury. The district preschool is housed at a new building on S.O.M. Center Road more tailored to the needs of Solon's youngest students. The redistricting and consolidation enabled the district to use resources more efficiently while at the same time creating enrollment balance among the K-4 buildings.
Fitch Ratings of the Solon Schools – AA+ Key ratings drivers for the district according to Fitch are stable and diverse economy, strong record of voter support, financial flexibility, strong consistent management team, low debt levels and excellent reputation.
Moody’s Investor Service rating of Solon Schools – Aa1. The Moody’s rating was based on the educational quality provided, stabilization in enrollment figures and ongoing community support for the Solon Schools.
The district is the fourth largest employer in the City of Solon.
The district continued implementing planned security enhancements to the schools with funds from the combined .8 mill permanent improvement and operating levy passed in November 2013 that replaced expiring debt.
In May 2018, Solon and Glenwillow voters overwhelmingly approved a phased-in 8.5 mill opertating levy to support district initiatives and maintain the excellence of the educational and extra-curricular programming for students.