Community Connections & Advocacy
It Takes a Village...
At the heart of our district mission is a partnership with families and our community. Through this partnership, the Solon Schools work to engage parents and community members to enhance the profile and presence of the district with state and local officials, especially in relation to school funding solutions and the retention of Tangible Personal Property tax replacement funding.
The dynamics of state politics caused by term limits also necessitates continual education of legislators and candidate regarding education and funding issues and how they impact the Solon Schools and our students. Lawmakers and business leaders receive regular information from the Solon Schools to help keep them up to date on education and funding issues.
Equally important, the district works with officials in the City of Solon and Village of Glenwillow on issues of school safety and security. Additionally, collaborations and corporate connections in our community help foster discussions and solutions on programming, tax incentives and economic development.